Our Focus
The Idaho Chapter of the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation provides education, support, awareness, and advocacy for our bleeding disorder community. We are the leading resource for those affected by bleeding disorders in the state of Idaho. You can count on us to ensure your voice is heard. It’s with your help that we can make a difference. Learn more and get involved.
Our Mission ... In Action
We provide year-round events and fundraisers to spread awareness, educate, and generate crucial resources in support of our mission. Hope to see you at our next event!
We fight to protect access to quality healthcare and treatments we need to live healthy lives, but we can't do it without your voice. Discover how you and your family can make a big difference by joining our advocacy efforts.
We provide mission-focused experiences through education, support, community connections, and fun for those affected by bleeding disorders.
News Articles
The National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NBDF) is pleased to announce a new enduring and accredited educational activity available to healthcare providers. "Exploring Non-Factor Replacement Therapies for Hemophilia Care: Achieving Positive Outcomes," was developed through a strategic collaboration between Medscape and NBDThe National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NBDF) is pleased to announce a new enduring and accredited educational activity available to healthcare providers.
Back-to-school season is in full swing as summer draws to a close. Across the country, many students have already returned to school while others will begin “hitting the books” after the Labor Day weekend.